Ready to design and build your own speaker crossover? You’re in the right place!
Here’s a very easy-to-use speaker crossover calculator along with great info to help you.
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You can use my speaker crossover calculator to generate parts values to build your own capacitor, experiment with different values, and more.
How to use the calculator
- Select the crossover type:
- 4 types are available: 2-way 2nd order Linkwitz-Riley (12dB/octave), high or low-pass 1st order Butterworth (6dB/octave), 1st order 2-way Butterworth (6dB/oct.), and 1st & 2nd order 3-way crossovers.
- A speaker crossover schematic matching the type you chose will be shown.
- Enter the speaker impedance (Ohms) as needed. This can be whole numbers, fractions, or both. (Ex.: 4 ohms, 3.6 ohms, etc.)
- Enter the crossover frequency desired. For 3-way crossovers, enter the bandpass upper (tweeter/midrange) and lower (midrange/woofer) cutoff frequencies. (*See my notes below regarding 3-way crossovers below.)
The calculator will output capacitor and inductor part values as needed. Parts are labeled to match the the example schematic shown for each type you select.
Reversing out of phase speakers for even-order designs
When building a speaker crossover and using a 2nd order or other even-order designs, it’s important to remember to reverse one speaker driver to correct the 180 degree out of phase condition.
Crossover capacitors and inductors each add a 90° phase difference, giving 2nd order crossovers a 180° out of phase condition that will affect the sound.
An out of phase condition can result in destructive interference (sound wave cancellation) in the overlapping range of sound between two speakers (three speakers in the case of a 3-way system) near the crossover frequency. It will also sound “weird” because the timing of the audio waves you hear conflicts.
For example, you can hear the same effect if two speakers are placed near each other with one having its speaker wiring reversed. In that case, you may notice poor bass until one speaker is disconnected due to cancellation.
Image showing 180 degree out of phase audio waves and the resulting in-phase (0° difference) condition after reversing the speaker.
Fortunately, there’s an easy fix:
- For 2-way crossovers, reverse the tweeter connection polarity.
- For 3-way crossovers, reverse the bandpass speaker (midrange speaker) polarity.
You can do this by reversing the wiring at the speaker terminals in the crossover building stage or reversing the connection polarity label once it’s completed.
This is almost never a problem for ready-made crossovers you buy as this is usually already taken into account when they’re designed.
Why use a Linkwitz-Riley crossover for 2-way crossovers?
Linkwitz-Riley designs are hands-down one of the most commonly used for a number of reasons, one of which is their flat response where the woofer and tweeter crossover points overlap. While it’s true that plenty of other designs exist (Butterworth, Chebychev, Bessel, and others) they do not offer the same frequency response.
They certainly have useful applications but the Linkwitz-Riley (L-R) crossover is generally a great choice for standard speaker systems with a -12dB per octave slope.
The flat magnitude response, low sensitivity to offset, and in-band driver resonances have made the L-R a popular choice among manufacturers.Vance Dickason, The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook (7th ed.)
It’s also not sensitive to speaker driver resonance like some others. If you’re interested in the technical aspects of the different crossover designs available, I’d encourage you to read more.
I highly recommend Vance Dickason’s The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook for more detailed information as it shows examples and covers the topic in good detail. You’ll also learn tons of other speaker design info!
3-way crossover details for the calculator
To get the best results (3-way crossovers are NOT simply an extension of 2-way designs), the calculator uses a 3-way all pass crossover (APC) design with a sufficient frequency range between the high pass frequency and the low pass frequency.
You can also use a general rule based on the ratio of the high pass cutoff (Fh) and low pass cutoff (Fl):
Some great example 3 way frequencies to use are:
- 3kHz/375Hz
- 5kHz/625Hz
- 6kHz/750Hz
Or, simply pick the upper frequency and divide by 8 to get the 2nd. Likewise, you can pick a lower frequency and multiply by 8 to get a good upper frequency.
However, do be aware that 3-way designs have a midrange output with a higher or lower dB level – in this case, the 3-way design provided has a 2.45 dB gain vs the tweeter and woofer. (This is a pretty minor difference however)
Crosspoints closer together than the three-octave ideal will suffer from complicated undesirable interference patterns.Vance Dickason
Consider adding a Zobel network and series notch filter
Want even better results from your speaker system? Consider adding a Zobel impedance compensation network and in the case of midrange & tweeter drivers a series notch filter. Those will tame nasty impedance issues:
- The steep impedance rise at higher frequencies due to voice coil inductance.
- Very high (peak) Ohms at the resonant frequency “Fs.”
I cover all this on my Zobel network and series notch filter calculator page.
How precise do crossover capacitor and inductor part values need to be?
I recommend trying to get fairly close to the calculated parts values; exact values are not practical or needed. For example, if the calculator recommends a 10.56mH (milliHenry) inductor, you’d try to get close to 10.5 mH, not 10.56mH. If you found a 10.2mH for example, that would usually be close enough.
Similarly, for the parts themselves, standard tolerance parts are fine for most designs. You don’t need to spend additional money on better tolerance components.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use better quality or higher performance parts if you’d like – just that for most cases standard (20% – 15% tolerance) is fine.
Typical inductor and capacitor tolerances
The truth is that picking super-precise part values is kind of useless anyway because the components have as much as a 20% tolerance. For example, a 4.7 µF (4.7 microFarad) non-polarized capacitor, 20% tolerance, could have an actual capacitance as low or high as:
- Low end: 3.76 µf
- High end: 5.64 µF
As you can see, trying to pick the perfect parts values doesn’t make sense because they won’t be exactly that value anyway. That’s out of your control. Just try to get it pretty close if possible.
Most inductors are similar as well – especially air core wire wound inductors.
Affordable ways to get better sound performance
Electrolytic capacitors are extremely common in speaker crossovers and filters..but did you know? There’s another little-known way to get better sound and better parts quality without spending a lot: polypropylene, polyester, and film capacitors.
They offer some nice benefits for only a little bit more money:
- Longer life/don’t leak over time like electrolytic capacitors
- Higher voltage handling (great for vacuum tube designs!)
- Better audio performance (better for carrying the audio signal)
- Vertical solder leads may make them easier to use in printed circuit boards or DIY projects
- Some film capacitors are more compact than their counterparts
Film capacitors are generally bipolar (non-polarized) so they’re great for audio designs, but it’s important to always check the specs to be sure.
Also, be sure to verify their voltage rating – you’ll want a rating that’s at least equal to or higher than your amp or stereo’s output voltage generally.
Inductor options
They’re not mandatory, but you can also consider using iron core or metal-core inductors. These types have a more dense magnetic field characteristic, meaning they can be a bit smaller than air core models in some cases.
What voltage audio capacitors do I need?
There’s an easy way to find the voltage rating for audio capacitors in crossovers: you can find the approximate stereo amplifier or radio output voltage if you know the power per channel (RMS or continuous) and speaker Ohms.
Simply use this formula: Volts = square root(Speaker Ohms x Max. Continuous/RMS Power)
This will give you the approximate voltage at maximum output power. Once you know that, I recommend using capacitors with a voltage rating at least the same, if not higher, voltage rating.
Otherwise, for standard power levels (not using maximum power out), you can use the next closest value.
Off-the-shelf bipolar capacitors sold for audio applications are normally of a sufficient working voltage. Still, it pays to check. Lower voltage bipolar parts (5V, 16V, etc.) are usually used for low-voltage (line level) electronics.
TIP: adjusting the crossover frequency to match parts on hand
Here’s a helpful tip I’ve picked up after building my own crossovers. If you’ve got parts on hand you’d like to use you might be able to do so by slightly changing the crossover frequency.
For example, let’s say you use the calculator for a 2-way 2nd order design at 3,000Hz, 4Ω:
- C1, C2 = 6.63uF
- L1, L2 = 0.42mH
Let’s also say you have some capacitors on hand that are below 6uF. By changing the crossover frequency slightly, you can sometimes use parts you already have.
Obviously this won’t always work, and not all speakers are suited for it, but it’s a helpful strategy in some cases. Using a calculator, you can play around with values in seconds and see what works.
Im trying to design a 3-way crossover for some towers I want to build.
Tweeter = 6ohm (92db) 2k-40khz. preferred x-over = 2500hz
Midrange = 4ohm (91db) 40-4khz. Preferred = 150hz
Woofer = 4ohm (92.8db)35-3khz.
I wish for the woofer to have a steep drop below 40hz as I will be using a large sub for super lows below 35hz.
The DB ratings are all very similar so not sure if I will need an L-pad for tweeter or not. This is my first build.
Any help or ideas would be great! I noticed the crossover calculators online automatically change my crossover points and wont allow a 150/2500.
Forgot to mention there will be 2 midranges in a MTM configuration.
Hi Steven. I think there may be some issues with your current approach:
1. Different speaker impedance (mismatched speaker impedances):
a. Having different speaker impedances means they’ll develop power & volume at different rates. So ideally they’d be the same, although technically they’ll work if it’s absolutely necessary.
b. The MTM configuration you mentioned is best off done by using two 8 Ohm midrange in parallel, not 4 Ohms. Otherwise the decibel sensitivity will be as you expect if they’re wired for 8 Ohms or 2 Ohms (in addition to min. Ohms & crossover issues).
2. RE: “I wish for the woofer to have a steep drop below 40hz as I will be using a large sub for super lows below 35hz.”
It won’t be helpful to use a 40Hz low pass filter:
– The woofers don’t normally have much of any output below say 60Hz or so, depending on the particular speaker’s specs, so the 40Hz filter isn’t needed.
– If you *do* want to ensure there’s no subwoofer bass produced by the main woofers (which is sometimes a good idea), the best way is by using a high-pass crossover before the amplifier on just those channels, such as an electronic crossover or passive inline RCA filters.
Low-frequency low-pass speaker crossovers require very large (and hard to find) inductor coils which are real hassle. A 12dB or better electronic or other type would give better results, too.
– 35Hz is close to the edge of where human hearing cuts off, so that’s pretty low; subwoofers are usually best used somewhere around 80-70Hz and below. “Punchy” bass is often around 45-50Hz and a lot of musical bass is somewhere around 50-80Hz. I would suggest maybe considering using that as a guideline.
You will definitely want either an electronic crossover or passive RCA line for the best results with your subwoofer if it’s not already built into whatever amp you’ll be using. With 12-18dB/octave slope, you can get really “pure” sounding bass without any midrange, vocals, etc, getting produced.
– If you want the best bass extension (i.e., how low the subwoofer can go), a properly ported box will help a lot. You can get lower bass production than is possible with a sealed enclosure.
(Note: My comments above assume the woofers are typical ones that have a poor output at subwoofer/bass frequencies under say 60Hz. If they can perform well in that range, however, what I wrote probably doesn’t apply then.)
Hopefully that helps a bit!
Hello Marty,
I have a pair of vintage Infinity 5000A speakers (3 way, 12″ woofer, 5″ mid, 1″ dome tweeter) that I am refurbishing and think that the crossover needs an upgrade. The original crossover has no filter on the woofer, a 25mF cap and a 5 ohm-15 watt pot in series on the mid and is not reversed polarity, and a 3mF cap and a 5ohm-5watt pot in series with a .05mH coil in parallel on the tweeter. The impedance for the woofer is 4ohm, the mid is 8ohm, and the tweeter is 6ohm (each speaker was measured individually and disconnected from the cabinet).
This crossover seems very primitive, but I don’t have any specs on the speaker as far as frequency response and crossover freqs. All of the online specs for other Infinity speakers have frequency response and crossover points all over the place.
Hello, Michael. It’s interesting that you say the woofer has no crossover, as this RS 5000A technical manual image shows it has a 3.5mH low-pass filter. But I assume it’s a different version/model 5000A since this one shows 10″ woofers.
But to the main thing you asked about:
I am not familiar with these speakers but I would have presumed they’d use a low-pass crossover originally, similar to other 3-way designs from Infinity.
If you want to know 100% what you’re working with you can use a program like REW, line output jacks, and an amplifier to do testing on the crossovers and measure the crossover outputs. However, I don’t think it’s really necessary in this case. The only issue remaining (more or less) is the woofer.
To see if the woofer has a natural roll-off, without a specifications sheet you’d need a decent test microphone and do a sweep with REW or similar audio test software to see the frequency response of the woofer. If it doesn’t have a steep roll-off before the midrange region then perhaps it does need a crossover.
You could also do this would an audio smartphone app and (affordable) microphone like the Dayton Audio iMM-6/6C, although PC-based software is usually better.
I hope this helps a bit!
Thank you for the reply. They are not RS 5000A, just 5000A. I purchased them new in 1980 and refoamed the woofers a few times over the years and recently pulled them out of storage to use in my garage, My original thought was to just replace the capacitors, clean the corrosion off the pots and use them as they were originally, but figured they needed an upgrade when I saw no filter on the woofer.
Would adding a filter on the woofer cause the rest of the crossover to be out of tune?
Ah ok, I wasn’t clear about the model number so I’ll remember that in the future. Thank you.
Adding a filter to the woofer shouldn’t cause an issue so feel free. :)
Ok, if I run your calculator for 1st order 3 way, and use the 600Hz/5000Hz points, I get a 1.06mH value for the coil. The values for the other speaker filters doesn’t match what I currently have and the type of filters have some differences also. Is 1.06mH close or do the other components drive the value somewhere else?
Hi, yes they won’t match if you only use the speaker Ohms and not the series potentiometer values (the total Ohm values, potentiometer + speaker: 11 ohms & 13 Ohms) that I mentioned in my first reply. If you use those values they’ll be about right.
1mH should be ok for the low pass crossover (or something pretty close to 1mH will work). Best regards.