In this main page you’ll find articles, arranged by topic category, related to car audio power amplifiers.
What is a car amplifier?
Car audio amplifiers are audio power amplifiers that magnify a very low voltage signal to drive car speakers with higher power than a standard car stereo can provide. Unlike home audio power amplifiers and AV receivers, they require additional circuitry to avoid picking up and amplifying noise signals which are extremely common in vehicle electrical systems.
High-power car amplifiers use a switched mode power supply (SMPS) which steps up the 12V battery supply voltage and creates both positive and negative supply voltages for the output stages. Additionally many work with lower speaker impedances than home stereo amplifiers as this is necessary to create high power output (higher current, in Amperes) with the limited supply voltage available.
Various models feature different independent sound channel options with some dedicated to driving car subwoofers. Multi-channel car amplifiers are designed to be flexible for a wide variety of vehicle audio installation possibilities.
Article categories
Car amplifier basics
What Does A Car Amplifier Do And How Do They Work?
Wondering what a car amplifier does? Here you’ll learn what they do for great sound in a car speaker system, how they work, common features, and so much more!
Marine Amp Vs Car Amp Differences – Can You Use A Marine Amp In Your Car Or Motorcyle?
Wondering about marine amp vs car amp differences? Can you use a marine amp in your car or motorcyle? I’ve got some great news and helpful details here.
What Is A Class D Car Amplifier? How They Work And Why They’re Great
Wonder what a class D car amplifier is? You’ve come to the right place! I’ll explain how class D amps work, the benefits they offer, and how they compare.
Installation and DIY topics
The DIY Car Amp Rack Guide – How To Build Your Own Car Amp Rack In One Day
Searching for DIY car amp rack ideas? How about a basic budget amp rack you can build in one day? Here’s a detailed guide showing how to build your own!
How To Hook Up A 4 Channel Amp To Front And Rear Speakers
Need help wiring up your amp and speakers? Let me help! In my detailed guide find out how to hook up a 4 channel amp to front and rear speakers the right way.
How To Wire A 4 Channel Amp To 4 Speakers And A Sub: A Detailed Guide With Diagrams
In my detailed guide I’ll show you how to wire a 4 channel amp to 4 speakers and a sub. See clear info and diagrams…plus much, much more to help!
What’s The Best Way To Hook Up An Amp And Subs? (Master Guide + Diagrams)
Looking to upgrade your system? My detailed guide provides great info and diagrams on how to hook up an amp and subs for the best sound and power.
Using a car amp indoors
How To Connect A Car Amp To A Home Stereo (With Diagrams)
In my detailed guide and diagrams, I’ll show you how to connect a car amp to ANY home stereo. Using a car amp at home isn’t a headache if you know how!
How To Connect & Power A Car Amp In Your Home + Diagrams
Want to use a car amp in your house? Here’s my detailed guide on how to connect and power a car amp in your home. My helpful diagrams will help make it simple.
How To Wire A Computer Power Supply To A Car Amp
Want to power your car amplifier with a computer power supply? This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step with diagrams included!